TME’s MM7000 thermometer leads the way on due diligence thanks to the innovative use of barcodes for food temperature recording for food temperature spot checks.
The MM7000 delivers paperless temperature recording plus a new alarm feature, indicating problem temperatures as soon as they occur – not just after the event.
Barcodes are instant, universal and bespoke. They can be applied to any product, appliance or ‘menu’, and set with specific alarm values. When temperature is taken, the MM7000 scans the barcode, instantly alerting the operator to a critical result.
For complete due diligence, the temperature, time and date of each test is logged, plus the unique identity of what has been tested and thermometer’s individual serial number. All data is downloaded and stores using in-built Bluetooth and free software supplied.
For further information please telephone 01903 700 651, email or visit