Brand and packaging expert Sun Branding Solutions has launched an innovative new product and artwork management software, built based on years of experience working with big name brands and retailers.
SUNrise covers everything from project management tools to asset storage, providing smart data and analytics to help improve efficiency and speed to market.
Darren Heathcote, Digital Solutions Director at Sun Branding Solutions, said: “SUNrise has been built on many years’ experience of the processes and pitfalls FMCG and retail businesses encounter on a daily basis. From the packaging design phase through to launch, SUNrise has the capabilities and flexibility to suit each process. We’re really excited to see it in action and start helping brands streamline the design process and get their products to market as quickly and as easily as possible.”
SUNrise is fully customisable with an easy-to-use widget-based dashboard, which can be personalised to focus on the actions and information that are most relevant to each user.
It’s hosted in the cloud so it’s accessible anywhere in the world, with scalable performance and storage that automatically adapts to peaks in activity. It also translates system fields into native languages and adapts timelines to take into account time differences in offices across the world.
It uses Microsoft PowerBI technology to analyse and display data in a meaningful, easy to read way, and can highlight areas of your process which might need attention to help you work smarter in future. You can even incorporate information from your other business systems into Power BI to make insights even more powerful.
The online approval tool allows packaging artworks, point of sale material, and even TV ads, to be collaboratively reviewed, commented on, and approved by multiple users. This allows you to reduce the number of approval loops and get your product to market faster.
SUNrise stores all brand assets, from cutters, to photography and TV ads, in one place and removes the need for separate trackers and spreadsheets, reducing the margin for error and the duplication of work.
SUNrise has already gone live with one major global brand, with more big names due to go online shortly.
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