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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Instant rewards for brands and shoppers


SwiftReceipt, a UK digital receipt validation service, has been launched with a promise to revolutionise the service for shoppers and brands alike. Backed by integrated service agency, Granby, bespoke technology validates customer redemptions in less than an hour, and as little as 15 minutes, delivering digital rewards (for example cinema codes) instantly, with the ability to dispatch physical ones within 24 hours. SwiftReciept removes the need for outdated on-pack codes, instead simply asking customers to upload a photo of their till receipt to a mobile-optimised, branded microsite for validation. It is fast, effective and reliable. For brands in many shopping categories, from drinks and household goods to impulse purchases and food, it offers the chance to quickly satisfy demand, delighting the customer and breeding loyalty. The service also offers a data capture mechanism and the technology’s compliance with ISO27001, GDPR & EU data protection legislation, and access to full campaign analytics and reporting, will also help brands accurately and compliantly grow databases and track ROI.
01254 682 702   I   www.swiftreceipt.co.uk

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