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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Face mask game changer

The UK’s first biodegradable face masks will be rolled out nationally in January.

An ocean and landfill biodegradable face mask is about to be unveiled by a Canadian based company called ‘Change Plastic for Good Ltd’.

The masks feature a revolutionary product called BDP®, an organic ingredient added into the polypropylene fabric during manufacturing. After use, the masks can be recycled where accepted or safety disposed of with other medical waste.

Facemasks have become part of the new plastic pollution but there are hopes that a revolutionary product called BDP® will change that

If they end up in landfill, beneath soil or even our oceans, microbes are able to consume the masks in a few years, as opposed to centuries. What remains of the biodegraded plastic fibres are biomass and biogas, the same materials as decomposing organic waste. Even the plastic pouch that the masks are packed in, are made with BDP® and the paper boxes are 100 percent recyclable.

BDP® technology gives masks the best chance of a natural end of life in many environments – which has been confirmed through independent third-party accredited labs such as Intertek and SGS.

Unlike some technologies which fragment the plastic into smaller bits in open air environments causing micro-plastics, BDP® acts very differently. Typically, microbes do not see plastic as a food source. With BDP® able to make the plastic ‘sweet’ for microbes, they are able to consume the polymer chains entirely. This sets BDP® apart from other technologies as it is simply speeding up what Mother Nature does naturally over hundreds of years. One important benefit is the plastics maintain their recyclability. Change Plastic for Good Ltd. also donates a portion of profits from each mask to ocean cleanup organisations, as their brand becomes synonymous with clean up as well as sustainable plastics.

“BDP® is already being used by major brands in packaging, toys and apparel around the world,” said CEO and Founder Ryan Jesse.

“Companies are attracted to not only our technology, but also our brand story. We figured the next big waste problem is going to be PPE and we knew BDP® would help give this plastic fabric a natural end of life in many different natural environments. Over 100 billion masks find their way to landfills or the environment each month. These masks are made from the same plastic as straws and although it is recyclable, it will be nearly impossible to find someone who will accept them. The next best thing is turning it into bug food.”

The masks comply with all the same standards as any other surgical mask on the market and the quality and durability is the same. The shelf life for BDP® products is indefinite. It is only in landfills, under soil or in oceans where the microbes begin consuming the plastic. It has even been tested in compost environments with great results.  It shapes up as an attractive prospect to companies because BDP® technology is cost effective and a simple addition to existing manufacturing technology. It also has no effect on supply chains, which is often not the case with other technologies.

Jesse revealed that nitrile gloves are next on the list, with plans to introduce The BDP Glove™ next year, made in the U.K.

“The real story here is the work we are doing with organisations that help clean up plastic waste,” said Chief Marketing Officer and Ambassador of Products of Change, Peter Rooke. “The circular economy is the key to solving this waste problem and without significant funding for clean-up efforts, it will be a huge challenge to clean up our current mess. The vision that we have at Change Plastic for Good helps clean up the plastic waste mess we have created around the world…past, present and future. The launch into PPE is a game changer for preventing this potentially damaging new waste stream.”

Change Plastic for Good Ltd. is revolutionising the plastic industry with BDP® technology now used in over 100 brands globally and growing. Toys, bags, clamshell packaging, shoes, clothing, furniture, cosmetic bottles and jars, masks, gowns, coveralls and food containers are made more sustainable with BDP®. Change Plastic for Good Ltd. works in partnership with global brands and NGO’s and the butterfly logo represents a metamorphosis of plastic, the old becoming new. It represents not only turning plastics end of life from bad to good while focusing on the circular economy, but a responsibility for the mess we’ve made. It is time to Change Plastic for Good.

If you want to be a part of the BDP movement, contact info@breakdownplastic.com.

Change Plastic for Good Ltd is a Vancouver based company and operates in the UK as part of a global distribution network.

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