For nearly thirty years EPAL pallets have been the heart of logistics. They move flows of goods globally and are essential for the safety and smooth operation especially in automated high-bay storage. The huge number of A and B quality pallets from high-bay storage ensures that the open Euro pallet pool is the most extensive exchange pool of all. Users of EPAL Euro pallets take advantage of the benefits of the open pool, the EPAL system, whose cornerstone is the continuous availability and global exchangeability, cost transparency and contractual independence. EPAL’s DNA, the essence of which is independent quality assurance as well as legal action against counterfeit pallets, goes hand in hand with the EPAL system. Environmental responsibility and sustainability are additional key components of our DNA. Thanks to the reusability of EPAL pallets in the open pool, logistics costs and CO2 emissions can be reduced. EPAL pallets can be repaired with lower materials and energy costs and at the end of their life cycle, are completely recyclable.
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